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Stage sound design process of pop music concert  /音响演出活动工程之流行音乐演唱会舞台音响设计流程
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Stage sound design process of pop music concert


The indoor venues for pop music concerts include theatre, opera house, etc., while the outdoor venues include stadium and some open places. However, the seats of theatre and opera house are usually less, so the return on ticket revenue for concert investors is too little. Therefore, the outdoor stadium with tens of thousands of people is the hot choice for pop music concerts.

Pop music concerts often require a two chamber layout, one chamber is the stage, the other chamber is the audience. Therefore, there are two major systems for the sound system of pop music concerts, one is the sound feedback system of the band and singer on the stage, and the other is the audience sound system.

The sound feedback system on the stage is an independent system operated by a specially assigned person. The sound equipment is a special return mixer and return speaker. Its operation principle is that the actors on the stage can clearly hear their own performance and that of others. At the same time, the sound of the return system cannot affect the audience. The feedback system should basically ensure that every player has a way of feedback. It's better to use headphones, or place a small speaker, the closer to the player's ears, the better. The singer's feedback system is more complex. Many sound designers will place multiple return speakers within the singer's walking range. The return tuner will send the return signal to the nearest return speaker according to the singer's position, and the unused return speaker and microphone will be closed to reduce interference and noise. In recent years, the application of wireless back feed headphone system reduces the conflict and contradiction between the back feed system and the audience system.

The sound system in the auditorium mainly transmits the sound of the actors on the stage to the audience's ears after being processed. The layout of the system depends on whether the stage layout is single-sided or three-sided or middle stage. The sound layout of the single-sided platform mostly imitates the home stereo sound, and a group of speakers are set on both sides of the stage. The multichannel replay of home stereo and home video system is designed for a person to sit in the "emperor's seat" (the best position) to enjoy. Therefore, only one person sitting in the "emperor's seat" can benefit from imitating the layout of home stereo in the hall, and the audience in other seats do not feel the same about its voice.

The sound layout of the three side platform and the middle platform is mostly in front of the audience, with a group of speakers on the platform. There are three groups of three sided platforms. If the stage is in the north, a group of loudspeakers will be set up in the East, South, west of the taikou and Taichung respectively. In the middle stage, a group of speakers are hung in the East, South, West and North four sides of the entrance and over Taichung. Each group of speakers is a mono reproduction, and there are also sound designers who specially design the layout of the speakers for stereo sound. A group of speakers are arranged at the left and right of the platform entrance to imitate the 2-channel stereo layout of the home audio.

The technical requirements for the performance of pop music concerts are the maximum volume of 105db-110db ± 3dB, and the bandwidth of 50hz-16kh. The timbre needs to have a clear level and positioning, and the singer's voice should make the audience feel intimate in listening. The intimacy in the performance venue is the effect of the early delay between the direct sound and the first reflected sound. The shorter the early delay, the better the venue intimacy. Pop music concerts are electroacoustic production. If the venue is not intimate enough, electroacoustic system can also help. The intimacy in electroacoustic music lies in the low frequency. For example, if a singer uses a monophonic microphone, the closer the sound source is to the microphone, the stronger the low-frequency effect will be. The proximity effect of monophonic microphone is the technology used in many popular music singing to improve the intimacy of singing.

In addition, pop music as a whole pays attention to the balance of high, medium and low frequency, which is adjusted according to the music types. For example, lyrical music pays attention to the intimacy of songs, as well as the warmth of accompaniment music (low frequency effect). When regulating the system, it can be balanced with "peak" type at 100Hz frequency plus 3db-6db, so as to improve the warmth of the system.

When a pop band performs, all the members of the band perform on the stage. Pop drums are placed in the middle and back of the stage. Because there are other players in front of them, they are usually placed on the high stage. Other players such as guitarists and keyloggers are arranged on the left and right sides of the platform. The lead singer is placed in the middle of the front of the drum, next to other singers.

In addition to the use of microphones for drums, the signals of other instruments, such as keyboard instruments and electric guitars, are directly input into the mixing platform after the effectors, whether for band performance or personal singing. All the direct output signals or microphone signals of the instruments on the stage are transmitted from the stage to the junction box and then split into two parts. One is connected to the return console, and the other is connected to the console of the audience system. According to the needs of individual musicians, the signals returned to the mixer are processed and mixed and then transmitted to individual listeners of each musician. After processing and mixing, the signals of the mixer in the audience system are transmitted to the speaker in the audience seat and then to the audience's ears. In recent years, the requirement for the sound quality of pop concert is higher and higher. In order to meet this requirement, in addition to the application of back input headphones to reduce the interference of back input sound on auditorium sound, the application of electronic instruments, including electronic drum and electronic Orchestra, is also increasingly popular. This will help to eliminate the mutual interference of microphones placed between instruments, so as to improve the overall clarity of singing and the clarity of instrumental music.

To sum up, the sound design requirements of pop music concerts are high, so the requirements for the tuners are very clear. When listening to the music, you should adjust the volume and sound of the singing and music